How long should your website videos be?
Hey Brandon, I've been wondering about video length. How long should my website videos be?
That's a great question, Brandon. Let's get into it.
So you wanna know how long your website video should be? There's one question you need to ask yourself. What's your video for? The answer to this question will determine the ideal length of your video.
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I'm gonna start with a general blanket statement. Most marketing videos on a website should be under two minutes, although there are other factors that need to be considered.
The typical rule of thumb for video length uses the marketing and sales funnel as a gauge. The further down the funnel your video is, the longer your video can be. For example, the brand video that sits on the homepage of your website is further up in the funnel, so it should be under two minutes to keep your viewers engaged. Meanwhile, an instructional or tutorial video that's on your website sits further down the funnel and can therefore be longer. Audiences are usually a little bit more engaged at that point, so they're prepared to watch a longer video.
Remember, 62% of people will watch your entire video if it's under 60 seconds. So the key here is finding an effective way to communicate your message in a short timeframe. Trying to cram too much into one video can feel cluttered, confuse your audience, and take away from the main goal you're trying to achieve.
So stop, stop, stop trying to fit everything into one video. There's better ways to do it.
So did that answer your question, Brandon?
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