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We recently partnered with InvestorCOM, a leader in regulatory compliance, investor communication, and technology solutions for the financial industry, to create a series of video content that showcased their product offerings and how these solutions benefit their clients. Our goal was to help InvestorCOM communicate social proof to potential customers by featuring client success stories and testimonials in the videos. To achieve this, we incorporated interviews with satisfied clients, professional voiceovers, screen recordings of their software, and b-roll footage of their state-of-the-art facility. These videos will be featured on the respective product pages on their website and will also be a key element in their sales process. By showcasing how their solutions have helped real clients achieve success, the videos aim to provide valuable insights and promote InvestorCOM's mission of improving customer engagement and operational efficiency.

InvestorCOM: Regulatory Compliance Software

Customer Stories, Product Videos

InvestorCOM: DOX

InvestorCOM: Publisher

Recent work

Commercials, Brand Stories

The Scotsman Hotel: Romance, Opulence, Soul


Fairstone: Funny Canadian (Part 2)


Michael St. Jean Realty: Work From Home

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